3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With An Ex During The Moon In Gemini Starting February 9, 2022

What if?

3 Zodiac Signs Who Reconcile With An Ex During The Moon In Gemini Starting February 9, 2022 Peach ShutterStock/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs who reconcile with an ex during the Moon in Gemini start feeling the urge to try again with their past lover starting February 9, 2022.

If there's a reason why you feel you need to reconcile with an ex, and it's because people tend to be curious about 'what if' during the Moon in Gemini. 

This is a transit that sparks our interest in things that were once successful but are no longer such as an old relationship that once worked, but turned into bitter feelings and resentment.


Still in all, we can't help but think that maybe we are more mature now maybe that break up was made in haste...after all, we got along so well with that person. 

And, what do you know? They have an interest in calling a truce and will be wanting to speak with you during this transit.

Reconciliation may be a reunion, or it may simply be ironing out old issues so that a friendship or connection can start anew. And certain signs of the zodiac will be doing just that: reconciling with an ex to see what happens.

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3 zodiac signs who reconcile with an ex during the Moon in Gemini starting February 9, 2022:


(May 21 - June 20)


Your communication-skills button will be pushed in a major way during Moon in Gemini, and you'll be wanting to use this skill when it comes to reaching out to someone you once knew — someone you are thinking about reintroducing to your life. 

You don't want romance from this person but they did present such a fun and interesting life to you, somewhere in the distant past, and you kinda-sorta wish that things didn't go so sour when they did. 

In your mind, things never should have gone as far as they did, and now, you're ready to talk about it. You will be reaching out for reconciliation during the Moon in Gemini.

RELATED: How To Tell If He Misses His Ex, According To His Zodiac Sign



(September 23 - October 22)

There's a deep-seated reason that you wish to get back together with your ex, even if for a few hours only just to talk things over, and that is because the two of you left each other feeling one hundred percent incomplete. 

Nothing about your breakup was realistic; it's like you both dropped all responsibility to each other and proceeded to act like monsters...but did you still love them? Yes. Did they still love you? Yes, they did. 

So, you and this person broke up, while continuing to be in love with each other, and you both got to stand tall in your pride, no matter how sad it made you. Silly humans. The Moon in Gemini will bring this person back into your life. Do the right thing this time around.


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(October 23 - November 21)

You've proven yourself to be a very harsh judge, and in the past, you've done some serious judging of your romantic partners. You may have even judged one of them right out of existence. 


This person is the one you will fixate on during the Moon in Gemini. Yes, this person probably thinks of you as an executing judge and jury, and if it's possible for a Scorpio to feel regret — this is the time it will happen. 

And not only that, your feelings of pseudo-guilt will actually prompt you to reach out to them, to see if a reconciliation of sorts is possible. It is, but you need to bring kindness to the forefront. Leave the judgment thing at home.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter.
