3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love During The Moon Conjunct Neptune September 20, 2021

The ugliest truth is always better than the most beautiful lie.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love Starting September 20, 2021 viktorov.pro/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs who will fall out of love during the Moon conjunct Neptune starting September 20, 2021, will feel the effects of illusion on their relationships.

As the Moon conjuncts Neptune, we will all feel our emotions more deeply and will see the truth beyond any deception which will lead us to fall out of love or lose interest in new relationships, but for Cancer, Gemini, and Pisces, this will be even more intense.


On September 20, 2021, the Moon in Pisces will conjunct Neptune in Pisces, and all this takes place in the twelfth solar house of illusions.

The Moon rules our emotional self, our internal world. At the time of the Moon Neptune conjunction, it will be full which will only heighten the emotions we may be moving through or that are caused by a dramatic situation.

In Pisces, the sign of endings, hidden enemies, and confusion, this transit is only amplified as this water sign is one of the most sensitive.

In Pisces, the Moon is dignified. While its ruling sign is Cancer, a similar water sign like that of the fish means that it’s comfortable here-yet that does not mean we will be.


To feel our emotions is a central part of who we are. To feel love is one of the greatest emotions that we can have, however all too often, we find that it wasn’t necessarily love but attachment or karmic love versus strong and stable healthy love.

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While we need these karmic lessons it doesn’t always mean that we welcome them into our lives, especially as they tend to disrupt the plans that we have made.

The Moon in Pisces on September 20, 2021, will be having us feel everything, not just love but the emotions that we’ve been trying to ignore or to stuff down.


This includes the truth.

The Moon conjunct Neptune means these two planets are just a few degrees apart, and we will be seeing things as they are not as we wish them to be.

In part this is thanks to Neptune who currently retrograde is helping us take off those rose-colored glasses and to see the reality of any love affair or relationship that we’ve been engaging in.

Neptune rules unconditional love and dreams but he also rules fantasy and illusion. While most planets cause turmoil when retrograde, Neptune actually helps us become clearer.

Clarity is always a good thing, even if it means it has us falling out of love, especially for Pisces, Cancer, and Gemini zodiac signs.

With this astrological transit between the Moon and Neptune, the relationships that will be falling apart are those that were based on lies or untruths—not those that we’ve put the time into to build a solid foundation.


Together, the Moon and Neptune are these two planetary bodies who will help us face the feelings and truths that we’ve been denying which will lead us to realize maybe it was never love-but just simply that we wanted or hoped it would be.

Which zodiac signs will be most affected by the Moon Conjunct Neptune in their horoscopes?

Zodiac signs who will fall out of love during the Moon conjunct Neptune starting September 20, 2021:

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

With both the Moon and Neptune in your sign, you can’t help but feel the energy of this transit. While there is no other sign that loves as you do, you also tend to idealize your partner. Not on purpose or even consciously but you believe the best about those that you love even if time after time they show you their true colors.

This can feel confusing for you as you know what love should be, but it seems no matter what you do it always comes up short.


Because of this, your greatest love affair is with love itself. You aren’t even yourself unless you are falling in love, in love, or trying to get over someone.

All of this is part of who you are. When you’re hurt though, you tend to just swim away to get away from having to face the situation or person that is the cause of it.

Sometimes, that’s necessary, but at others, it only deepens the pain you feel because you let yourself believe what you need to in order to move on.

During this transit, you’re likely to see the true nature of someone that you’ve been involved with for some time. It will even feel confusing as it will differ from who you thought they were. While endings are necessary, this time stick around for the conversation part. You’ll be glad you have that closure.


RELATED: The Darkside To The Pisces Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

As the ruling sign of the Moon, you will feel this transit too, but in your case, it’s likely to hit in the home front. This means it’s seeing the reality of a marriage or living situation that has long ago lost its value or even appeal.

You protect your home fiercely and all those that live there or that you call family. This is one of the best astrology traits of your sign because it’s all about building your life on what really matters-those you love the most.

Sometimes in an effort to protect and nurture you put up with certain situations for far too long. Usually by either overlooking the truth of affairs or behavior, even lying to yourself about what is going on, all in an attempt to uphold the family unit or structure that you’ve built.


As the Moon Neptune conjunction occurs, you’ll be less likely to do that and more inclined to let what has died fade away once and for all. Those around you may try to elicit guilt as part of their strategy to keep you close or to blame their indiscretions on you.

It’s important for you to focus on the truth, to recognize that while protecting those you love is important-protecting and loving yourself is important as well. Remember this and you’ll have no problem clearing your life of those who are only there to take up space.

RELATED: What Love Is Like For A Cancer Zodiac Sign, Per Astrology


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

While not a water sign, Neptune is gearing up to make an important astrological transit twice in the next week to your sign which means ready or not, it’s time to get real about who you are and what you want.

Occurring twice in the next coming days Neptune will be quintile The North Node which is currently in your sign. Anything involving the North Node means business as this represents our fate and what we are moving towards in this life.

Neptune in retrograde is all about breaking apart illusions so that we can see the truth of the situation. Together this means that in order to unstick yourself from your current life situation you need to see the truth about yourself, your relationship, and where your life is headed.

Only will this set you back on course towards the fate that you were born into this life to create. This is big news and a total gift from the universe, but it doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Reflect on those relationships that aren’t going anywhere no matter how hard you might try.


Recognize that some people won’t materialize into who or what you need no matter how many chances they get and that at a certain point the only thing you can do is cut them loose once and for all. This will change your life in unimaginable ways and set you on course for one of the biggest years of your romantic life.

RELATED: Why You Should Never Tell A Gemini To, "Get Over It", Per Astrology

Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.