3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 9, 2021

A rainbow always follows the storm

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 9, 2021 fizkes/Shutterstock.com

For three zodiac signs who have a rough day on September 9, 2021, there's a bit of explanation that shines some light on what makes Thursday the toughest day of the week.

While many are embracing the energy of the Libra Moon conjunct with Mercury, others are seeing the less favorable energy from alternative alignments this Thursday. This can be a rough day for some, with an option to try and salvage their day.


Thursday, we are seeing the Moon square with Pluto in Capricorn and this affects Aries, Leo, and Libra the most in an adverse way making September 9, 2021, a rough day for all.

This can increase nervousness in many under the zodiac and threaten the safety that they have been creating for themselves. It can lead to some self-destructive behavior or a resurgence in bad habits.

For some, they may feel a need to be aggressive and act outwards towards their issues. For others, this can create a habitual need to be passive, which will allow others to walk all over them instead of understanding the internal dilemma at hand.


However, this can also create delusion for many, including Aries, Leo, and Libra zodiac signs.

Some under the zodiac may feel as though they can bite off more than they can chew, and for those, they may suffer long-term for the chaos they unknowingly welcome in. It is important to listen to rational thoughts as well as emotional turmoil during this time.

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Zodiac signs who have a rough day on September 9, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries, today if you do not think before you react, you could very likely head towards the destruction of your day. This Thursday you must seek more information before acting off on assumptions.


While you are likely right in your inclinations, you don’t want to destroy everything in your path in your frustrations.

It is difficult to pass one over on you on September 9, 2021, which is why Thursday feels rough on you.

This might be why it hurts so much when it happens. You have learned time and time again that you need to trust your intuition over the easy words that are fed to you. You know that you need to prioritize protecting yourself before others.

However, with this current transit, some of your worries and anxieties may be exasperated. It is best to get all details of the situation before taking action.

You wouldn’t want to implode on a situation that was capable of being resolved.


Aries, your pain is valid but make sure your reactions match the reality of the situation. You wouldn’t want to burn a bridge that just needed patching.

Yes, your frustrations are understandable, but don’t let your anxious thoughts exasperate the situation.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo, today is looking as though it may be a rough day for you, however, it has the capability of turning into an OK one. You may have recently started to view the world a little too seriously, and while it likely helped you manage your daily duties, it is neglecting your sense of self.

When was the last time you were able to play?


Your inner child is beckoning you to make space for them. This is a day that you need to prioritize having fun and reconnecting with your creative side. While you may have responsibilities you need to stay committed to, this doesn’t come at the neglect of self.

Leo, finding a balance between responsibilities and your happiness outside of service to others is essential. It is wonderful that when you have the energy you choose to share it with your audience, but your soul is beckoning for attention.

You run the risk of burning out too quickly if you don’t take your joy as a necessity too. There’s only so much you can give to others before it’s considered harmful to yourself. You’re not being selfish, you are taking good care of your heart and mind.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra, your inflexibility is causing you to have a rough day this Thursday. How will you create harmony in your life if you are unwilling to bend to the way the world turns?

You must become loose and spread your wings a little.

If you are not able to move with your environment you will never figure out who you truly are.

You are letting yourself be blocked by this box you are keeping yourself confined in. You may be feeling a stubborn streak.


Perhaps you feel unwilling to budge when it feels as though no one is capable of doing the same for you.

This is a deep wound that can feel insulting, especially when you’re the one always being asked to cater to others.

However, this truly isn’t an injustice to you. This is just the reality you are currently in.

Be willing to bend to your environment and work with others. There is potential you can grow if you do this, and perhaps then life will feel less stuck.

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Tea Jones is a tarotist, psychic, and certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner who writes about spirituality, witchcraft, tarot, and divination.
