3 New Moon In Sagittarius Rituals To Do On November 26th To Live Your Truth

Authenticity is priceless.

3 Sagittarius New Moon Rituals For November 26th To Live Your Truth, According To Astrology getty

We live in a world where authenticity is a rare commodity. That's why if you really want to stand out from the crowd in the dating scene, you've got to bring your true self to the table.

Thankfully, the new moon in Sagittarius on 26th November is in an honest zodiac sign. And with this energy peaking in the sky, now is the best time to decide to live more authentically. After all, how will you find your happily ever after if the foundation of all your relationships is based on lies and pretenses, including the relationship with your own self?


Here are 3 Sagittarius new moon rituals you can do to live your truth — not just today, but every single day of your life.

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1. Set the guiding principles for your life.

New moon times are best for starting things. And to live authentically, you must start by setting the guiding principles of your life. After all, you aren't going to be 100 percent on-point every day. But if you know your principles and can see them in front of your eyes (yes, this ritual involves some crafting supplies), you will be more aligned with your truth as time goes by.


To do this, you will need some chart paper, colored sheets, fine-tip markers, and your journal. If you don't maintain a journal, just grab a notebook with enough writing space.

Step 1: Brainstorm your guiding principles and condense each into a one-liner. Don't worry about getting it right in the first go. Ideally, you should allow yourself up to three days to mull things over so you can come up with more principles or correct the ones you have penned already.

Here are some examples:

Don't make excuses for your bad behavior.

Be kind to people but set healthy boundaries.

Challenge your friends when they do something wrong or unethical.

Step 2: Once you are happy with your final principles, write them on a fresh sheet of paper so you have everything in one place.


Step 3: Cut out long strips of colored paper and write your principles on them with the markers. Then arrange them on the chart paper to see what looks the most aesthetically pleasing to you. Glue down the strips once you are okay with your format of choice.

Step 4: Stick this chart paper on a wall you glance at regularly. And read your principles at least once a week to keep them fresh in your mind.

Make sure you create principles for all areas of life, including work, romantic relationships, friendships, family, pursuing your dreams, and giving back to the community. The whole point of this ritual is to help you become a well-rounded individual who can live a life they are proud of because it rings true deep within them.

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2. Educate yourself.

Sagittarius is both the sign of the teacher and the student. So the best way to respect this new moon is through educating yourself more. The subject doesn't matter. Education is education. Period.

Also, you don't need to join a class or sign up for a course to do this. (Although, if that's how you learn best, go for it!) You could watch a video on YouTube, listen to a podcast, or just start reading a book.

3. Face yourself in the mirror with full honesty.

You cannot live authentically until you are willing to face both the good and bad sides of you. That's what this ritual will help you do.

So find some alone time and go stand in front of your bathroom mirror. If looking into your eyes makes you uncomfortable, allow yourself to feel that discomfort and don't look away. Something magical will happen after a few moments: you will suddenly start having a conversation with yourself as if you are not looking at your reflection but a whole other person.


Ask your reflection: Do you want to say something to me? Do you think I am living a good life? Am I in denial about something? Why am I so (fill in an adjective of your choice) all the time? What are my greatest strengths? Where can I improve?

If you were to do this exercise without the mirror, your ego would most likely supply you with a lot of BS to make you feel good about yourself. But you can't hide the flinches and dropped gazes when you are standing in front of a mirror.

These reactions will tell you where you need to work on yourself. But don't beat yourself up. No one's perfect. The fact that you are putting in the effort makes you stand apart from most people, in a good way. So be compassionate with yourself.


Side note: if you are able to have a jovial conversation with your reflection and identify your shortcomings without falling apart, congratulate yourself for putting in the work to make yourself healthy. You are doing a great job!

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Valeria Black is a freelance writer who reads Tarot cards in her free time.
