5 Ways To Deal With Being A Highly Sensitive Person

I'm not emotional! I'm just sensitive!

How To Deal With The Emotions Of Being A Highly Sensitive Person Ali Pazani via Pexels

By: Ethan Ray

Are you tired of being moved by little things that carry no significance at all?

Do you feel like shedding off this immense burden of feelings and start afresh?

Chances are, you’re an emotionally sensitive person.

Here are 5 ways you can overcome your emotional sensitivity.

There are many people who get severely affected when faced with emotionally challenging situations.

Mostly they’re empaths with heightened ability to absorb the surrounding energy.


Even the slightest negativity finds its way into their heart and moves them internally.

For people suffering from emotional sensitivity, the circumstantial effects outweigh their mental peace.

They give too much importance to these emotions, thus suffering from a chronic cycle of emotional burdens.

Prolonged suffering leads to breakdowns, anxiety, and depression.

If you happen to be one of them, don’t worry.

There’s nothing wrong with being emotionally sensitive.

However, being overly sensitive under every circumstance can be hazardous to both emotional and physical health.

You must learn to identify the roots and the means to control them in different situations.


RELATED: What Is A Highly Sensitive Person (& What You Should Know If You're Dating One)

Here are 5 ways you can overcome your emotional sensitivity.

1. Identify the nature of the emotion

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We face different forms of energy in our lives.


Some manifest into good emotions, while others are exactly the opposite.

But every emotion can be categorized into its nature and the effect it has on our psyche.

You need to extract the nature from the alloy and look at it directly.

Then you need to identify exactly what kind of emotion it is and what is the root of it.

Our minds generally blend the nature with the effect, but you cannot do the same if you really want to start off with the overcoming session.

Differentiating the two helps you to gain clarity of how emotions are formed and the ways they affect us.

2. See what effects it has on your mind

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Once you’ve identified the nature of emotion, turn to the effect.

It is the next step that will help you to relate the two components.

See what effect it has on you.

Is it positive?

Is it negative?

Or is it something neutral having no significant effect?

Does it make you happy?

Or are you being emotionally drained?

Questioning these will make you look at the effects from a more objective point of view, thus you won’t be affected as much as when you were as a subject.

The effect they have on your mind should be carefully identified and examined to determine exactly what you feel under such emotional circumstances.

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3. Why do you respond the way you do?

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The third step is to ask yourself why you feel the way it makes you feel.

After all, any situation gets hold of us only when we choose to give in.

But if you just pause for a moment and think of it, you’ll see the sheer futility of the way you choose to respond.

You see, the way we’re brought up in our society only teaches us how to respond to the emotions and not the ways to identify and tackle them.

When something saddening or disappointing happens, just ask yourself whether your entire life is dependent on these external events or on your inner belief, esteem, and positivism.


Separate yourself from the emotion and you’ll find it really has no power over you.

The reason you feel the pain is because you allow them to affect your psyche, thus unknowingly fueling your emotional sensitivity.

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4. There’s always a speck of positivism, find it

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We believe that every situation comes with a reason.

But what we’re never taught is that every event, however negative, always comes with a speck of positivism.

We just have to find it.

When faced with a negative situation that’s trying to trigger an unwanted emotion, try to find the reason behind its occurrence first.


When you find the reason, see if it was something that has to do with your own actions.

Third, imagine what would have happened if things didn’t go that way.

Things could have been worse. Look to the bright side.


Acknowledge all the positives that are still with you.

This will help you to reduce your emotional sensitivity.

5. Learn the art of being indifferent

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Emotional sensitivity is fueled by caring too much about the circumstances and the effect they have on your mind.

You have to learn how not to care about the happenings.

For that, you need to realize how your self-worth outweighs any negativity that happens to cross your path.

You have to believe that your mental health is the most important thing and that no emotion, however traumatizing, can dominate your will to preserve peace and contentment.


You have to realize that your life is in your hands.

Same with your emotions.

It is you, and you alone, who has the power to direct your emotions in the desired direction.

Once this belief is inculcated deep in your heart, you’ll find the emotional sensitivity withering away.

RELATED: 20 Things You Do Differently Because You’re A Highly Sensitive Person

Ethan Ray writes about psychology, fine arts, philosophy, and relationships. For more of his relationship content, visit his page on The Mind's Journal.