30 Relatable Memes About Introverts For Everyone Who Likes To Keep To Themselves

Embrace your inner introvert. You're not alone.

Relatable Memes About Introverts Funny Memes Introvert Quotes Slapdaughter

Do you ever have those days where it’s just too hard to get out of bed and all you want to do is sleep? Do you just want to hide and avoid social interaction? Do you wish that you could cancel your plans and just go home? Do you get anxious in social situations? Do you just want to be alone after a long day of social interactions?

If your answer to all these questions is yes, then you will find that these relatable memes about introverts pretty much describe you to a T.


RELATED: Why Introverts And Extroverts Attract Each Other

As an introvert myself, I know how hard it is to have constant social interactions. It drains the life out of you. I have found that I lose my energy and by the end of the week, I am exhausted and want to just relax by myself curled up with a good book or a movie or a puzzle.


You may even love finding TV shows that have many seasons because that’s an excuse to stay in and give yourself some time to recharge for the next week of social interactions.

Sometimes I even dread having to talk with other people and going out feels like I’m climbing a steep mountain with the summit nowhere in sight.

Life can be rough and draining but you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself or you will burn out quickly. After a long week, it’s OK to want to have some time to yourself. Don’t feel bad if you just stay in and relax by yourself all weekend. Sometimes you need a break. But you don’t have to stay in all the time. Go for a walk or do something for you that you enjoy.

RELATED: 5 Ways Introverts And Extroverts Use Facebook Much Differently


If you have kids, you may ask your parents or the person who usually keeps them to watch them for a little while so that you can then go do something for you. Maybe it’s just taking a nap in a quiet house, sitting by the pool, watching something other than cartoons or go somewhere that you love.

Everyone needs a break at some point and you don’t want to push it so far that you are extremely irritated, upset and dreading the upcoming social interactions. You don’t want to lose it and have a meltdown when it’s a quick fix of just taking a minute for yourself.

But remember, this is who you are. Embrace your inner introvert and be proud of who you are.

Here are some relatable memes about introverts and funny introverted quotes that will show you that you are not alone and every introvert experience very similar things.


1. It's hard to get to know introverts.



A post shared by Stormy (@stormytwain) on Apr 21, 2019 at 1:49pm PDT

"Me when someone tries to get to know me. We are open the door is just very heavy." 

2. You can be yourself with people you know.



A post shared by LeeMeeLone (@zintroverted) on Apr 5, 2019 at 7:34pm PDT

"Me meeting new people. Me with people I know." 


3. When you want to be invisible.



A post shared by LeeMeeLone (@zintroverted) on Feb 19, 2019 at 10:25am PST

"Introverts be like.. 'please don't see me,' 'Please don't see me,' 'Please don't see me.' Heeeeeey! 'shit...'" 

4. When you don't want anyone in your space. 



A post shared by LeeMeeLone (@zintroverted) on Feb 7, 2019 at 11:06am PST

"When you're tired of people standing too close to you." 


5. When all you want to do is stay in bed.



A post shared by Doctor Undercover (@doctor_undercover) on Apr 19, 2019 at 2:36am PDT

"Current mood ... I just want to sleep and do nothing." 

6. When you don't want to get involved.



A post shared by Leslie (@iamleslieloo) on Apr 30, 2019 at 3:58pm PDT

"This is the level of 'minding my business' I'm currently on." 


7. When you just want to be left alone.



A post shared by theintrovertlife (@introverts_everywhere) on May 20, 2019 at 2:47pm PDT

"Pretending to be dead so that people would leave me alone." 

8. Why are introverts only forced to change themselves? 



A post shared by Snarky Girls (@snarkygirls) on May 20, 2019 at 4:20pm PDT

"Why does everyone force introverts to be talkative and leave their comfort zone, but no one forces the extroverts to shut up, even for a minute, to make the zone comfortable." 


9. When you have already made plans but don't want to go out.



A post shared by Introvert Shirt (@introvert.shirt) on May 20, 2019 at 3:28pm PDT

"When you make plans to be social earlier in the week but when the day comes you're like:" 

10. When you don't want to talk to anyone.



A post shared by Mental Health Daily Support (@psychiatricmind) on May 20, 2019 at 2:07pm PDT

"What do I do?!" "Ring!" "It's so rare that I get an actual phone call now that I panic like it's a fire alarm." 


RELATED: 7 Reasons We're So Damn Attracted To Introverted Guys

11. When you are in an awkward situation.



A post shared by Rose Bueno, Psy.D. (@dr.optimistic.nilhilist) on May 20, 2019 at 1:19pm PDT

"Introverts be like: Uber driver: .... Me:...... Uber driver: ..... Me: 5 stars." 

12. When just doing one thing takes it all out of you.



A post shared by Just Introvert Things (@justintrovert.things) on May 20, 2019 at 12:58pm PDT

"My comfort zone. Alright, three, two, one. go! ahhhhhhhhhh. ahhhhhhhhhh. Do a thing. ahhhhh! ahhhhhhh. And that's it for today!" 


13. When your life is a game of introvert bingo.



A post shared by Lisa Diaz Meyer Author (@lisadiazmeyer) on May 20, 2019 at 11:28am PDT

"Introvert Bingo. I let that phone call go to voicemail. I read 3+ books last month. My house is my favorite place. I actively avoided someone today. I'm the king of good excuses. I've had a crush on a fictional character. I took a nap today. I often think about thinking. My best friend is literally an animal. I'm better at writing than talking. I'm adorably awkward. I'm a good listener. I'm much cooler on the internet. I fangirl over artists + authors. People make me tired. I do most of my shopping online." 

14. When you are just existing.



A post shared by Doctor Undercover (@doctor_undercover) on May 20, 2019 at 11:11am PDT

"Friend: Hows life?  Me: Existence is pain." 


15. When you are trying to find something to do so you don't have to go.



A post shared by Loner Life (@lonerslifestyle) on May 20, 2019 at 11:13am PDT

"Everytime people invite me to do anything* Me: 'Ight I'll see.'" 

16. When you are an introvert and you need this T-Shirt. 



A post shared by Introvert, Dear (@introvertdear) on May 20, 2019 at 9:27am PDT

"Sorry I'm late I didn't want to come." 


17. When you are an introvert and have boundaries. 



A post shared by Summer Page (@wisemindhealing) on May 20, 2019 at 9:17am PDT

"When you're trying to love people but you're also an introvert and have boundaries." 

18. When all you can do is try.



A post shared by uncoolgeek™️ (@coraleighlauren) on May 20, 2019 at 7:00am PDT

"On the hardest days, I tell myself that if I can do one thing, just one thing, it will be enough. And on the days when I succeed, it helps. But on the days when I can't, it hurts. So I remind myself I did do something: I tried really really hard." 


19. When you don't want to do your plans anymore. 



A post shared by Doctor Undercover (@doctor_undercover) on May 20, 2019 at 5:53am PDT

"The days you made plans vs. the day you actually have to do them." 

20. When you return home after a long day.



A post shared by Mental Health Daily Support (@psychiatricmind) on May 20, 2019 at 5:12am PDT

"Returning to my jungle after a brutal day of being around humans." 


RELATED: Why You Want To Be Left Alone, Per Astrology​

21. When you are socially awkward.



A post shared by Doctor Undercover (@doctor_undercover) on May 20, 2019 at 5:07am PDT

"Which one are you? 1. Avoids small talk at all cost. 2. Feels awkward after receiving a compliment. 3. Wants to run away when people sing 'Happy Birthday' to me." 


22. When you have no plans.



A post shared by Snarky Girls (@snarkygirls) on May 20, 2019 at 5:11am PDT

'I came I saw I left early. 'What are you doing tonight?' Me:" 

23. When a cat is better company than people. 



A post shared by Brenda Wamaitha Murori (@_t.a.l__) on May 20, 2019 at 4:08am PDT

"Introvert at a party. Introvert: where is that cat again *goes searching for cat* Cat: I'm escaping the people. introvert: This is why I need u cat. Cat: You are people. Introvert: come back." 


24. When you are introvert and need comfort.



A post shared by theintrovertlife (@introverts_everywhere) on May 20, 2019 at 2:35am PDT

*Le introvert starter pack." 

25. The best house for an introvert.



A post shared by Erna Loretz (@ernaloretz) on May 19, 2019 at 10:30pm PDT

"Introvert dream house. Library with reading nook. Glass-ceiling tower for star gazing. Media room. Art Studio. Trap door. Secret passageways for avoiding company." 


26. When your friends won't let you go home. 



A post shared by LeeMeeLone (@zintroverted) on May 19, 2019 at 6:06pm PDT

"Introverts trying to go home. All their extrovert friends. Any social gathering." 

27. When you are finished in a conversation but you don't know how to end it.



A post shared by Mental Health Daily Support (@psychiatricmind) on May 19, 2019 at 2:00pm PDT

"When you have no idea how to end the conversation..." 


28. When you are sleep-walking.



A post shared by Loner Life (@lonerslifestyle) on May 19, 2019 at 11:31am PDT

"When someone says good morning but you haven't been up long enough to comment on the quality of the morning. Please give me space." 

29. The perfect restaurant table for an introvert.



A post shared by Just Introvert Things (@justintrovert.things) on May 19, 2019 at 10:47am PDT

"Table for one at a Japanese restaurant."


30. When you are avoiding doing anything.



A post shared by Kimberly Mitchell (@rowan_killjoy) on May 18, 2019 at 1:00pm PDT

"Person: 'so you just look at memes all day instead of socializing?' Me: It's a peaceful life." 

RELATED: 5 Reasons Introverts Are The Best At Relationships


If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.

Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.