How An Elderly Man Feeding Ice Cream To His Wife In A Car Became The True Definition Of Relationship Goals


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If you've been on enough Tinder date or have been ghosted enough times, you start to believe that love isn't real. 

Most of our #RelationshipGoals are staged photos we make our friends take of us and bae, and true moments of romance are hardly ever posted without the right filter

Except in the case of one sweet old man and his wife — who just wanted some ice cream. 

Get your tissues ready. 



So Brent Kelley was taking his kids to get some ice cream on their way home from the day at the pool. It was hot, and ice cream was the perfect treat. 

When he got his ice cream and started to leave, he noticed an elderly man and his wife. 

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"I realized that this elderly man beside me was sitting out side his car door, spoon feeding his wife ice cream who also looked in her late eighties. He draped a towel over her and slowly fed his bride in the 98 degree temperature. It was a beautiful display of love."

Of course, he captured the moment in this precious photo: 




Obviously, this photo went viral (shared over 300,000 times and liked almost one million times) because it means love isn't dead. People were moved, and commented the following: 

"That's beautiful it can't get any better than that. Pure love that melts my heart."

"That's a lot of luv right there, as simple as this, feeding his wife an ice cream. Brought a tear to my eye."


One of the sweetest things about this photo is that it made people think of their own significant others, and how lucky they were to have them in their lives. 

"And I'm sure he holds her hand when they walk together and always kisses her good night before she falls asleep! So much love. My husband would do that for me if I couldn't do it myself."
