10 Ways To Have Crazy Porn Star Sex (That'll Make Him BEG For More)

Quick ideas to get crazy in the bedroom.

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Life is way too short to allow yourself to be okay with mediocre sex. Sex is something built into us, and we should enjoy it, regardless of what others may say.

If you want to have wild, crazy, fantasy sex, then go for it, but you need to know how to have sex like a porn star first. Here are some of the best ways to actually enjoy the fantasies you see in videos into the bedroom, from someone who’s done it.


1. Tape it.

You should never tape sex with a stranger or a partner you don’t trust. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it’s hot to catch it all on film. After all, part of having porn star sex is probably going to have to involve doing it on film.


2. Before you have sex with your partner, go out and get some really wild lingerie along with a pair of porn star heels.

Ever notice how often porn stars will always wear a pair of killer high heels during a shoot? They may be onto something. It’s often said that the clothes make the man, but from personal experience, it can also make the mood, too.

3. Talk dirty and tease before the big event.

Too often, we just go for the quickie in hopes that we both have our orgasms, then wrap things up. Sex shouldn’t be all physical, nor should it be all rushed. Get cerebral with it! Tell them how bad you want it with dirty talk and how excited they should be for later that night.


4. Enlist others for a threesome, foursome, or moresome.

If you think your relationship can handle it, by all means, try to find a third or a group of people who might want to have sex with you and your partner. This is one of those things, though, that can cause a relationship to crumble. So, if you do decide to have group sex, make sure that you’re emotionally ready for it, make sure you agree on the right partners, have a safeword, and do things carefully.


5. Give BDSM a shot.

A little bit of whipping? Some chains? Sure, why not! As long as it’s safe, sane, and consensual, you should be good to go. To do this, make sure that it’s not a surprise for your partner; talk about the kinks you want to try out before you decide to do it, come up with a safe word, and make sure to have aftercare talks as well.

6. Get loud with it.

Studies have shown that both men and women enjoy sex more when the woman moans. So, if you’re shy, don’t hold back. Those little noises could turn in a Big O for both of you.

7. Have a very frank talk with your partner about your fantasies, then try them out.



Knowing how to have sex like a porn star is all about unleashing your fantasies, and unfortunately, you can’t really do that until you’re honest with yourself and can talk to your partner about it. Using an app like Mojo Upgrade could help you uncover kinks you both like if you’re shy.

8. Rent a porn flick and act out the scenes as they happen.

The easiest way to have porn star-style sex is to actually mimic what they’re doing in the video. This might end up being more of a workout than you’d expect since many video-friendly positions aren’t always comfortable. Even so, it’s fun to try.

9. If you’re single (or in an open relationship), give anonymous sex a try.


I will be the first to tell you that this is risky. When it’s anonymous, you don’t know who you’re sleeping with or what diseases they have. However, people still do it. Why? Because it’s a very commonly held fantasy. If you do decide to try this out, make sure to use a condom and possibly get STD test panels, too.

10. Have sex somewhere wild.


Champagne room of a strip club? Go for it. Outside in the wilderness? Risky, but you only live once. While this might be a little bit wilder than what may be legal, that’s why it’s so hot and why it’s a regular thing you see in porn. 

Check out the video below to see the best porn star recommended sex positions: