Your Day Isn't Complete Until You Check In With Your Horoscope

Free horoscope for June 5 - 11. Plus, your sign's weekly theme song!

Fun, Free Weekly Love & Work Horoscope For June 5-11 weheartit

Gemini: It's still birthday time for you! Revel in the attention you're getting all around. Your energy is great this week, and your usual wit and charm are even more stellar than usual. Communication is a breeze and your love life is extra spicy for it. Wednesday is the perfect night to make that date or go out on the town and meet some new potentials.

Your strong desire for new, fresh changes comes at a time when the universe is sending you lots of financial and career opportunities, so make the most of it — especially early in the week. Keep making those birthday wishes. You're craving adventure, make it happen!


​Gemini's weekly theme song: Panda —Desiigner

Cancer: Your intuition is high and things feel intense — but in a good way! Your relationships are benefiting because you're so connected, and really figuring out which relationships are healthy for you and which aren't. You're garnering a lot of attention early in the week and there are many days full of super opportunities for you. With your keen intuition this week, you'll know what to jump on and when.


Saturday is a good time for bringing harmony to anything that's been causing you some angst. There's so many great things happening — just make sure you keep one foot on the ground! 

Cancer's weekly theme song: Cherish The Day —Sade

Leo: You're a natural leader, especially this week. This isn't a time to fly solo. You need your squad, and they need you. You'll meet tons of new people, and you're definitely the one everyone is looking to for decisions. This week brings a lot of networking opportunities on all levels. So whether you're looking for a new job, new crew or new love, get out there as much as possible. Don't miss that happy hour or group dinner.


If you feel you've outgrown a situation or someone, this is a week where you decide to move on. You're evolving and you want your environment to do the same. Keep on keepin on Leo!

Leo's weekly theme song: Low Life —Future feat. The Weeknd

Virgo: You've been seeking change, but have you been working towards it? You need a positive shift and this week gives you the signs that big things are finally happening. Whether you want a new job, a promotion or a complete change in career, now is a good time to make the move.


Your friends and family are important to you now, but try to find a balance between being at their beck and call and being there for yourself. You can't make your dreams come true if you never have time to work on them! 

This week is full of opportunities including for love, so make the most of it all. Being practical and reliable is great, but you deserve your dreams too.

Virgo's weekly theme song: Don't Stop Believin' —Journey

Libra: You're usually extra amenable and always going with the flow. You're not one to rock the boat much, but you're definitely feeling some wanderlust this week. You're curious about new things, different experiences and people from cultures unlike yours. You want adventure, whether that means traveling or or taking a class in a foreign language. Your creative side is out and ever so curious.


Your mantra right now is New Beginnings. We all deserve a fresh start, and you get one this week!

Libra's weekly theme song: Don't Mind —Kent Jones

Scorpio: Your primal emotions are your driving force right now. What others might fear exploring, you relish. This week is definitely about tapping into the depths of your soul and using that internal energy and power to connect on a more universal level. It's also allowing you to connect stronger in one specific relationship.


The feelings you dredge up allow you to put the past behind you and move forward. Just be careful with your words, especially mid-week — you know you can be hurtful sometimes when you don't mean it (though sometimes you do mean it). Keep this soul searching positive and radiate out positive vibes.

​Scorpio's weekly theme song: Inspiration Information —Shuggie Otis

Sagittarius: This week you're thinking more about others and less about yourself. You're a free spirit, but you may realize now how certain people rely on you and what that means for you and for them. You want to show up in the right way for them, and you can! It's all about fresh starts and change this week.


Monday is full of opportunities for progress and understanding in relationships. The entire week definitely is focused on relationships, so it's up to you to use this energy to make progress.

Sagittarius' weekly theme song: All The Best —My Morning Jacket

Capricorn: Somebody got bit by the health bug this week! You're focusing on your health and it's great. If you've been (unsuccessfully) working at quitting a bad habit, now is a great time to try again. You've got some big goals, but be realistic with yourself. If you set your sights too high, you may get discouraged easily. Set attainable health goals and you're more likely to stay on track.


Love is strong at the start of the week and again on Saturday, so take yourself and bae out to a healthy dinner. Singles should hit a juice bar or yoga class. Having a healthy partner is key. Get your squad out on a hike. Surround yourself with the support you need and you can do anything.

Capricorn's weekly theme song: Be Healthy —Dead Prez

Aquarius: It's fun times for you right now. You're in a creative, fun-loving mood. You're focused on the things that make you happy (and what you need to make you happier). Try out new activities and hobbies. You want a fresh start, and are really wondering what you can do to make your life more enjoyable on a daily basis.


Sunday kicks off a day full of great vibes where love is strong and headed your way. Your playful energy is drawing admirers. Go ahead, the world is your playground! Just make sure you don't go flaking on existing obligations. There's a time and place for everything, and you'll get the balance if you try.

Aquarius' weekly theme song: Better When I'm Dancin' —Meghan Trainor

Pisces: You’re a homebody right now. Anything and everything around domestic affairs is on the agenda. You want to be there for your family and your environment at home is super important. It’s a great time to resolve any existing family drama. 


There’s lots of love in the air for you especially at the start of the week. You can be the "hostess with the mostest" right now, or the best guest at someone else’s dinner party. Spend your time at home with the squad this week — you’ll have the most fun in that setting. Make sure you don’t get stuck indoors all day though! You still have to deal with the outside world.

Pisces' weekly theme song: Home —Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros


Aries: It’s a good week for getting your point across. Your communication is better than usual and the universe is sending you lots of opportunities for situations you desire. Midweek your charisma is especially high, so make sure you get out to any networking events and make the most of what comes your way. You can talk a good game right now, but make sure you follow through on your promises.

Make time on Saturday for a romantic night. After a week of career blazing, you could use a fun night!

Pisces' weekly theme song: Action —Mavis Staples


Taurus: You’ve been dealing with so many changes, and this week has you wanting to plant roots. You want more stability and something long-lasting that you can count on, whether it’s a new home, job or career. Make sure you’re not rushing into anything just because you want to settle down. Get clear on what you really need and want.

This week definitely offers some good opportunities, and the weekend heats up as your attraction meter is hot, hot, hot! Now's the time to get what you need — just get clear on exactly what that is first.


Taurus' weekly theme song: One Dance —Drake