15 Hilarious Quotes To Help You Get Over Your Divorce With A Smile

Laughter really is the BEST medicine.

15 Memes That Will Make You Laugh In The Face Of Divorce

Disbelief. Hurt. Loneliness. Heartbreak. Anger. These are just some of the most difficult emotions you feel during divorce.

It’s not that you’ve never felt any of them before. It’s more like on a scale of 1 to 10, the intensity of each is a 20. And, you’re experiencing them all at the exact same time, which feels debilitating and frightening.

When I was going through my divorce, there were times I wondered if I was going insane. And other times, I’d even have a fleeting question about whether I’d be better off if I took my own life.


These aren’t funny emotions and your divorce isn’t (necessarily) a source of comedy. But what if you could laugh (at least a little) about your situation or someone else’s? It's OK to find something funny about what’s going on — even if it’s at your ex’s expense. Heck, especially if it’s at your ex’s expense!

Research studies tell us time and again about the benefits of laughter. We're told laughter is the best medicine, with plenty of physical, mental and social benefits to laughter including: attracting others to us, easing anxiety and fear, and lowering stress hormones. (And who couldn’t use that while dealing with divorce?)


But, did you know that laughter can actually help dissipate anger?

In fact, comedians frequently use their anger to develop their best comedy routinesBy finding the funny in your divorce, you’ll be taking the sting out of it and give yourself a boost of feel-good hormones. And I don’t know anyone who’s going through divorce that couldn’t use a break from all the heartbreak and a good laugh.

So, all the data’s here. Laughing about your divorce is GOOD for you. But, if you’re still not sure you can find something funny about it, here are some hilarious funny quotes to help get you giggling.


Dr. Karen Finn is a divorce coach and divorce survivor herself. She works with people who are wondering how they’ll deal with their divorce grief and if they’ll ever be happy again. You can join her anonymous newsletter group for free advice or schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation directly in her Time Trade calendar.


1. What do you say to a woman with no asshole?

1. What do you say to a woman with no asshole?

They have such a wonderful life now!


2. The TRUE definition of divorce ...

2. The TRUE definition of divorce ...

It can be exhausting.


3. Proverbs are always SO wise, aren't they?

3. Proverbs are always SO wise, aren't they?

Good advice.


4. Conversations between you and your ex ...

4. Conversations between you and your ex ...

Good riddance!


5. Remember: Your ex is just a penny.

5. Remember: Your ex is just a penny.

So, make a wish and toss that penny away!  


6. Everybody makes mistakes.

6. Everybody makes mistakes.

Now, it's time to correct them.


7. All your dreams have come true ...

7. All your dreams have come true ...

In the end, it was a satisfying experience.


8. Honest mistake, really.

8. Honest mistake, really.

It happens to the best of us.  


9. It's a good mantra.

9. It's a good mantra.

So not worth the icky orange suits!


10. Conversations between you and your lawyer ...

10. Conversations between you and your lawyer ...

It's a legitimate concern.


11. Don't fix what can't be fixed.

11. Don't fix what can't be fixed.

You know, for future reference.


12. The true definition ...

12. The true definition ...

Makes perfect sense.


13. Circumcision versus divorce ...

13. Circumcision versus divorce ...

Know the difference.


14. Funny how that works out.

14. Funny how that works out.

Just laugh it off.


15. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Super Divorcee!

15. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Super Divorcee!

You're might, indeed!

If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered
