Romanian Wife Rips Hubby's Balls Off For Not Helping With Housework

Well, that's one way to handle it...

Wife Rips Husband's Balls Off

Be careful who you piss off, gentlemen.I'm pretty sure that Marinela Benea, 40, of Dragomiresti, Romania thought International Women's Day was going to go a completely different way than it did.

Instead of celebrating with her husband, Ionel Popa, 39, she ripped his balls off ... with her bare hands.

To be fair, it's disappointing when you're expecting flowers and help with the household chores from your significant other, and he arrives home drunk on the wine he received in lieu of wages for a day's work. The couple have been together for 15 years and have a 15-year-old son. When you're with someone for that long, strong emotions and resentments can be formed.


"When he gets drunk, he changes. All night he made me keep the fire on because he was cold and I did it to avoid having an argument," Benea said. "In the morning, I opened the curtains and told him to go out and do some work, or at least to help with the household chores. But he shouted that I'm not entitled to give him orders. I told him he was not any kind of man and I grabbed his testicles. It was not my fault that he pulled away, and that's when it happened."


It wasn't her intention to disengage his testicles from his body.

"I thought maybe that some ice would solve the problem, but he insisted on calling an ambulance," Benea said. "He was pretty annoyed."

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Paramedic Aurora Popa said, "The man had a severe open wound on his scrotum. He told us his wife had attacked him because he did not give her flowers for International Woman's Day."


The attack is currently being investigated as Mr. Popa remains in stable condition. There's no information if the couple will remain together after this incident.

Reminiscent of Lorena Bobbitt, don't you think?