14 Beauty Trends That Need To DIE A Tragically Awful Death
RIP man buns (hopefully).

We get it: You define your own style. But assuming you don't live on a commune of one, people have to live with and around you. Those people — namely, us — understand that beauty trends come and go, and for that, we're grateful.
Some beauty trends are timeless, but others we're happy to see disappear. Hopefully, we can say goodbye to these beauty trends in 2016.
1. Overdone eyebrows
"Those hideous, dark, over-painted, vinyl-looking eyebrows need to go away. I'm not sure why some trends catch on and others don't, especially some that might have been born on a catwalk and meant to augment a trend. But those really awful stenciled-on brows are quite frightening and flatter no face," says Rachel Weingarten, a former celebrity makeup artist and beauty historian.
2. Heavy contouring
2015 taught us many things, and the power of a good contour was certainly one of them. But too much of a good thing is just plain bad.
"A heavy contour isn't flattering, so grab a good highlighter or two because strobing (an exaggerated highlight sans the contour) isn't going anywhere in 2016," says Dancing with the Stars, Emmy-award winning makeup artist Zena Shteysel.
3. Full-coverage complexion
"With all the HD cameras and lighting we're using (gone are the days of a simple cell phone selfie), we're using heavier and fuller coverage foundation and powders in excess," says Shteysel. It's aging and ends up reading mask-like.
"In 2016, we're going to see more skin, more freckles, and move towards a more sheer, natural complexion," she says.
4. Waist training
Waist training was a hot trend in 2015 aided by celebrity endorsements that promised a smaller waist by wearing a corset-like device.
"Not only does it fail to provide real long-term results, but it also can be downright dangerous. Think: compressed lungs, fractured ribs, and fainting. A much safer way to reduce your 'muffin top' is with a non-invasive fat reduction treatment using high frequency ultrasound, like Liposonix," says Santa Monica dermatologist Dr. Christine Choi Kim.
5. Claw nails
Can these just be gone already?
"I had high hopes that claw nails wouldn't still be having a moment in 2015, but alas, these came back with a vengeance — longer and shaper than before," says Shteysel. Less really is more for 2016. Nudes and greys in a classic short, square shape are more modern, not to mention practical.
6. Over-lined or too-plumped lips
"Don't get me started on the craze that swept Instagram this year that left hundreds of girls bruised and swollen," says Shteysel. "A little over-lining with a nude lip liner and a pop of gloss in the center of your lips is one thing, but physical harm is another."
Looks like it's the year to embrace what you've got.
7. Blue hair
"Experimenting with color is always fun, but I'd like to see this shade retire. For 2016, try going for a shade in your color family but with a metallic twist. I'm loving rose-gold highlights," says Shteysel.
8. Glitter beards
This whole glitter beard trend needs to go away and never return again, says Stephanie Penn, editor-in-chief of DailyVenusDiva.com, a women's lifestyle website.
"Glitter in your hair should be reserved for costume parties. Plus, from my experience, glitter is messy. If you're embracing the glitter roots trend because you're in a festive mood and you can't get to the salon, then I suggest finding other ways to show off your festive side."
9. Trout pout
Everything about this look is so wrong.
"Over-injected and over-lined lips made an appearance and gained popularity thanks to Kylie Jenner, and then Snooki and Courtney Stodden. There's nothing natural to this look making way for names like duck lips, trout pout and big ass lips. Over-lining lips not only look fake, but can make your face look fuller. Big lips make your face look fat, so then you contour," says Shalini Vadhera, an LA-based celebrity makeup artist.
10. Heavy duty beards on men
This look will pass and look passé by the end of 2016.
"We saw beards on everyone from Jon Hamm to Spiderman's Andrew Garfield. The heavy beard look started out sexy and eventually became a sign of hipster madness. No matter how good a man looks with facial hair, the clean-shaven face is an enduring classic," says NYC-based celebrity makeup artist and brow guru Ramy Gafni.
11. Man buns
"These seemed sexy and novel at first (Hello, Jared Leto!), but once they started selling clip-on man buns the trend died hard. Jared Leto launched a thousand man buns! A man bun can look avant-garde and edgy, but when you pair it with the trendy beard, it just looks like you're a trend victim or completely ungroomed," says Gafni.
12. Matte lipstick
This was a huge trend in 2015 that will hopefully bring back juicy, super-glossy lips in 2016.
"Every major actress showed up wearing matte lips at all the award shows. The big flaw of matte lipsticks is that they tend to be drying. The newer formulas are more moist, but a matte lip doesn't look as full and inviting as a moisture cream finish," says Gafni.
13. Fake eye lashes that look like they can crawl off your face
There's nothing attractive about having to look into a woman's eyes through spider legs coming from your lashes, says celebrity makeup and hair artist Julia Dalton-Brush.
"I love a good false lash, but there's a line that needs to be drawn in 2016," she says.
14. A never-ending smokey eye
A smokey eye needs dimension and more than one color, not just black and a deeper black. It needs to end.
"Please don't allow your smokey eye go from lash to brow. Give your sexy eyes a little shape, not just a big oval. No one wants to look like a panda bear," says Dalton-Brush.
So there you have it! We're hoping these trends disappear this year, for the love of makeup and beauty.