Finally! Genius, Saintly Woman Creates Painless Stilettos

And women everywhere thank her.

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There's one thing most women can agree on: High heels are damn painful. DAMN painful.

Well, luckily a lady rocket scientist is answering all of our prayers and hopefully putting an end to our shameful nights of hitting the gross pavement with our bare feet, heels in hand.


Photo: Twitter

"I had two choices: either wear uglier shoes or end up with ugly feet," explains Space X executive and CEO of Thesis Culture, Dolly Singh to The Independent

Since neither of those options seem very alluring, Singh has spent five years to figuring out how to make our pumps a little less killer on our feet by reinventing the shoe all-together so it redistributes pressure along your foot, using high-quality plastic and polymer.

She's deemed the new heels "the world's first high-performance stilettos," but before you run out and grab yourself a pair (who wouldn't?) prepare to be set back a bit financially: They'll cost you $925 a pair.


Want to see more? Check out this video of Dolly Singh explaining the concept behind the new savvy stiletto.
