5 Amazing Love Quotes For Singles

Single? Don't worry because your one is out there, waiting for you!

Love Quotes: 6 Amazing Love And Relationship Quotes For Singles

Years of dating jerk after jerk can make you feel like you'll never find "The One." You know, the person who thinks it's cute that you can't eat a cookie without covering yourself in crumbs or finds your nervous laugh at awkward moments completely adorable. Whether or not you can believe it, someone out there is going to think you're special. And there's no better way to remind yourself of that than with these love quotes all about how you deserve the best love of your life.


Unlike the other guy, he'll make you laugh just to hear you snort.

Unlike the other guy, he'll make you laugh just to hear you snort.



He may not be perfect, but he's perfect for you.

He may not be perfect, but he's perfect for you.



Who you are today is who that special someone will love for the rest of your lives.

Who you are today is who that special someone will love for the rest of your lives.



If he's trying to change you, he's not "The One."

If he's trying to change you, he's not "The One."


When you're with Mr. Right, you wonder what you ever did without him.

When you're with Mr. Right, you wonder what you ever did without him.
