Oh My! 10 Reasons We Love George Takei

May he never stop being awesome.

george takei

George Takei is a boss. This we all know. 

When he's not fighting for LGBT rights (and taking on entire states to do so!), he's being master of the internet, starring in musicals, and doing about a billion other awesome things. He inspires us daily with his social activism.

So, we tallied up 10 of the many reasons we love him, along with some of our favorite quotes:

1. He's an articulate activist. In his Op-Ed piece for msnbc.com, George calls for a boycott of Indiana in response to their recently passed "Religious Freedom" bill. He writes, "I myself am a Buddhist, not a Christian. But I cannot help but think that if Christ ran a public establishment, it would be open to all, and He would be the last to refuse service to anyone. It is, simply put, the most un-Christian of notions." Yes, George! #BoycottIndiana


