5 Valid Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Ex
It's not always the worst idea.
Would you consider venturing out into a blizzard to pick up a bottle of wine a particularly good idea? Would you do it anyway? I would, depending on how bored I was or how the rest of my stock was looking.
Let's face it: sometimes the ends (feeling all warm and cozy) justify the means (putting yourself at risk for a frivolous/fleeting desire). OK, I'm not really talking about wine — I'm talking about having sex with your ex.
Obviously, there are certain factors worth examining here, such as: Did he cheat on you? What level of interaction (physical/non-physical) have the two of you maintained since your breakup? How horny are you/can you just watch Netflix and get over it instead?
Sandy Weiner says to just say no to ex sex, but if you honestly don't think that you'll get hurt, I don't see any harm in getting off. Here are five positive things about having sex with your ex.
1. It's convenient.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Hey... uh, nothing. Why, what's up?"
"Want to come over?"
It's as easy as that.
2. They live within close proximity.
Does said ex still live within a 20-mile radius? Perfect. All the more reason to convene. You'll have just enough time to get sexy (AKA take a quick body shower and change out of those Hello Kitty pajama pants), and you have absolutely no reason to ask him to stay over.
That being said, there's nothing more annoying than texting someone about all of your grand plans to hang out and knock boots when there are thousands of miles separating your pleasure parts. I'm not writing in defense of phone sex with an ex, though. That's just unnecessary. Call a hotline instead.
3. You already know what the other likes.
There's no need to worry about what goes where or when/why it goes there. At this stage in the game, you've got the logistics covered. Any new moves are just considered a pleasant surprise.
4. Sunday is the perfect day for regret.
Sunday is only considered a day of rest for people who have their lives together. For the rest of us, it serves as a day of reflection, where we can eat a lot and feel sorry for ourselves while we try not to think about the bad decisions we made on Friday and Saturday.
What's that? There's one more bad decision calling my name? One that thinks I'm pretty and already knows that I'm going to be annoying before/after/probably during our hookup? No brainer. (Bonus points if he brings food.)
5. You won't add another person to your sex number.
Personally, I stopped caring about my "number" back when everyone stopped remembering theirs. But if you're one of those people who still think it matters, then sleeping with your ex is like multiplying your number by one — there's little to no effort involved and, in the end, it doesn't really change anything.
Just to clarify: I'm not saying that I don't care about the amount of people I sleep with (Hi, Mom). I'm just saying that I probably won't actually ever tell anybody because it's juvenile and none of their business.
I’d be lying if I said that sleeping with an ex-boyfriend in the past was the best idea I've ever had, but I don't necessarily think it was the worst one either. The key to mastering the sex game is to span your hookups out appropriately.
And remember, if he says he hasn't slept with anyone since your last hookup, he's probably lying. Be smart, use protection, and NEVER call him more than once a weekend.
Tiffany McHugh is a new-media journalist who loves writing things that make you blush.