Celebrities Who Gave Up Their V-Cards In Their Twenties

Celebrity Sex: Stars Who Lost Their Virginity In Their Twenties

It's no hidden secret that sex sells in Hollywood. There's an endless slew of TV shows, sex tapes (both leaked and voluntarily publicized) and movies that put A-listers in the spotlight for their bedroom activities. But despite the stereotype, there are a surprising number of high-profile people who waited later in life to give up their v-cards. 

Ironically, Brazilian model Adriana Lima, for instance, has made her career out of being one of the sexiest Victoria's Secret Angels ever to walk the runway. But she famously told GQ that "sex is for after marriage" and waited until she was 27 years old to lose her virginity.


So who else abstained from sex until their adult years?

Find out over at Wetpaint: The 20-Something Virgin: Celebrities Who Waited To Have Sex (PHOTOS)

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