'Property Brothers' Drew Scott Talks Romance, Love At First Sight
Exclusive! "I admire their efforts for equality," Drew tells YourTango about the A-list blondes.

HGTV answered our prayers when they gave us double the hotness on Property Brothers. Twins Jonathan, the contractor, and Drew Scott, the real estate expert, sprinkle their weekly magic on homeowners in need, and now they're back at work with their new show Brother Vs. Brother. Did someone say #twinning?
But sorry, ladies! Drew is already taken! (It's OK ... Jonathan is single!)
YourTango: What was the last thing you did to show a partner you love her?
Drew Scott: Nothing says 'I love you' like unwinding at the end of the night with ice cream and a movie in bed.
YourTango: What couple do you most admire and why?
Drew Scott: Ellen and Portia—I admire their efforts for equality and show by example that a happy life is one of love, compassion and respect for one another. I am inspired by all their philanthropic work and how happy Ellen makes people, especially with her dancing [smiles].
YourTango: What's the best love advice you ever heard?
Drew Scott: Maya Angelou's quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
YourTango: I'm a sucker for a woman who _______.
Drew Scott: has a great sense of humor.
YourTango: How do you keep your relationship solid and happy?
Drew Scott: It sounds cliché but communication is the number one way to keep a relationship solid. You can't just assume that everything is perfect—like anything you are passionate about, ask questions, express your own feelings, and take a genuine interest in making the relationship the best it can be. That and lots of ice cream make a happy relationship [smiles].
YourTango: What's your most romantic memory?
Drew Scott: A last minute getaway to none other than Paris where we spent the evenings at quaint cafes ... working away at our computers. [Laughs] My girlfriend and I are both workaholics. We love what we do and that we can work side by side. The small gestures are romantic to me—it makes me smile every time I find funny notes in my bag when I go away on business trips.
YourTango: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Drew Scott: There's a big difference between lust at first sight and love at first sight. I do believe in love at first sight—when the person's character just keeps you wanting more.
YourTango: What's the most meaningful compliment a partner ever paid you?
Drew Scott: That my work ethic, drive and motivation are inspirational.
YourTango: When was the last time you surprised your partner? What did you do?
Drew Scott: She was down with the flu recently and I felt bad that I had to leave town for a lecture. So I had a care package and a basket full of chocolates delivered to her. A little TLC always helps.
YourTango: Do you believe in "The One"?
Drew Scott: I believe there could be many "ones" in a sense that there are so many different personalities that can be compatible. For example, if someone lost a significant other, I believe (and hope that) that he/ she would be able to fall in love again.
YourTango: How do you resolve disagreements with your significant other?
Drew Scott: It's as simple as talking it out. We try to understand each other's perspectives and actually come to an agreement. What I find most annoying is when couples say, "Let's agree to disagree." I believe that issues should be resolved right away and leaving it alone will just add more fuel to the fire next time around.
YourTango: Which celeb couple would you love to double date with?
Drew Scott: Judd Appatow and Leslie Mann. He creates films that I would love to one day as well. His movies portray everyday relationship issues to the surface in a real but lighthearted way. They seem so down to earth and genuine. It would be fun, insightful and motivational for me to chat with them.
YourTango: What's your tango?
Drew Scott: I love being able to motivate others to pursue their passions. Being a positive influence in other people's lives really energizes me to continue to strive for success in everything I do.
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