5 Unbelievable Health Benefits Of Masturbation You NEED To Know
Find out why orgasms are so good for you!

Self-pleasure is rarely talked about, and female masturbation especially still makes people oddly uncomfortable. About 92 percent of women say they masturbate, so why aren't we talking about it?
Solo sex can not only boost your emotional well-being and your sex life, but it can also improve your health. So read on to learn some of the incredible health benefits of masturbation and why you should be doing a lot more if it.
1. It improves the quality of your sleep.
No more counting sheep. Masturbation is actually a natural snooze sedative. Better (and way more exciting) than the rainforest sleep sounds on your iPod, self-pleasure produces endorphins — the essential chemicals that help ease pain, stress, relax and help you catch up on those zzz's.
2. It strengthens your muscles.
Ready for a workout? Masturbation tones pelvic and anal muscles. Not only does having a stronger pelvic floor lead to better sex, it can also reduce a woman's chance of involuntary urine leakage, according to Planned Parenthood. Who knew?
3. It's a great menstruation cramp reliever.
Midol and heating pads, step aside. Self-pleasure can actually relieve a lot of the pain you feel during your period. Premenstrual irritability, cramps and those painful backaches you get during your period can all be eased by masturbation. How? It increases blood flow to the pelvic region. Why didn't we know about these health benefits of masturbation sooner?
4. It alleviated urinary tract infections.
Prone to UTIs? Masturbating not only helps relieve discomfort, it also can flush out old bacteria from the cervix. Another excuse to hop into bed.
5. It lowers your risk of Type 2 Diabetes
As if you even needed another reason orgasm, women who experience more big Os were shown to have a greater resistance to type 2 diabetes. One way to ensure more climaxes? Self-pleasuring!