Survey: What Makes You Feel Irresistible?

Tell us: How do you foster your self-esteem? And how does this affect your love life?

irresistible confident woman

This survey is now closed. Thank you to all who participated! Stay tuned, we will be sharing the results in July.

In relationships, it's as important to be the right person as it is to find the right person. Of course, as anyone who's been in a long-term relationship knows, feeling great about yourself—and your relationship—requires some effort!

We want to know: What is it that makes you feel truly irresistible? How does your partner or spouse influence the way you feel about yourself? How do you keep desire alive in your relationship? And how deep is the tie between feeling great about YOU and, in turn, feeling great about your coupled life?


Whether you're in a relationship at the moment or not, we want to hear from you!


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