Why Are More Young Women Dating Older Men?
Why more younger women like AnnaLynne McCord are falling into the arms of older guys.

It's often called "Sugar Daddy Syndrome" others believe the trend has a lot to do with the fact that her father wasn't in the picture that much in the early days. Opinions vary considerably about the whole concept. One thing is for sure, girls are dating older guys much more so now than ever before thus shunning what society and the gossipers think.
Not surprisingly, the wider the age gap the wider the controversy. If you're a dad with a 20 something year old daughter, how would you handle your little darling dating someone who is your own age? worse yet, if she brings him over for dinner or to the family bbq?
What's driving these hook ups lopsided by age? Is there an element of perversion? An aligning of planets given that girls mature faster than boys? Or is this trend fuelled by one's instinct to nurture or be nurtured? Are there simply more benefits dating someone much older or much younger?
Understanding Young Women
It's been well established that women are attracted to older guys. That's not to say that it's common for a 25-year girl to date a 60-year-old man. What is common though is for 20 year old women to date men in their 30's and 30 year old women to date men in their 40's and so on. What causes women to behave in this manner?
Many young and modern women shun the thought of adopting the role as a mother figure and household provider. Having said that, instinct, be it maternal or a call by mother nature, plays a significant role in eventually gravitating a woman toward finding a husband or companion to be.
Like any young person, young women generally go through a stage of sowing their wild oats, living carefree and for the moment. Although this attitude does seem to have a much shorter shelf life for women than it does for men.
By the time a girl reaches even her early to mid twenties, that little voice starts speaking to her inside her head. That little voice keeps reminding her about her biological clock and once she does the math in terms of how long it might take to find and test out selected guys as potential dad material, she'll worry she'll miss the biological boat if she doesn't start searching for "commitment" as opposed to "good times."
When a young woman starts entertaining these thoughts, seldom will she find a man her own age who hears the same little voice as she does. Men are wired differently - as if you didn't already know. And this is why single older guys are an appealing proposition - they too hear that same little voice inside their head. His days of partying have come to a close, he's experienced with women and has been around the block enough times to know what most woman want.
A guy who is older provides security, is ready to have a family, is less likely to be a player, is far more adept in communication and is financially motivated to provide a loving and safe environment for his beautiful younger lady and family.
About the author: Matt Fuller writes about a variety of topics that relate to free online dating sites, relationships advice for men and women, and free dating websites reviews.
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