10 (Easily Fixable) Behaviors That Majorly Turn Her Off
In addition to reaffirming the power of attraction, these findings reveal what draws women to men in the first place.

Are couples doomed to grow tired of each other? That's what YourTango, Chemistry, and MSN's Glo sought to find out in 2015 when they polled more than 20,000 people on the power of attraction.
While conventional wisdom says that long-term relationships can't sustain the initial spark, our survey results found that 90 percent of men and women believe that passion can be rekindled. There's hope for some of us after all! But you have to put the work in.
In addition to reaffirming the power of attraction, these findings reveal what draws women to men in the first place — as well as what repels them. Rekindling the flame is one thing, but the following qualities may nip a young romance right in the bud.
Here are 10 (easily fixable) behaviors that majorly turn her off:
1. Narcissism/lack of empathy
No one wants to be with someone who refuses to understand them.
2. Racist or prejudiced speech
No one wants to date a horrible human being.
3. Immaturity/childishness
It's cute when you're young, but not when trying to find a life partner.
4. Lack of intelligence
What does a stupid person know about being in a relationship?
5. Boredom or lack of adventure
Why would a girl be with someone who isn't fun?
6. Lack of spark
Sometimes a partner can feel like a roommate.
7. Lack of chemistry
You need chemistry to keep a relationship healthy.
8. Lack of drive and ambition
It's attractive to watch someone accomplish goals.
9. Extreme views on religion
People can have differing opinions, but they shouldn't be shoved down people's throats.
10. Bad personal style (hair, clothes, etc.)
People want to date attractive people.
Additionally, the following qualities tend to diminish a woman's attraction to her mate in the long term. The attraction might be more resilient than we imagined, but reviving it seems to be more challenging when immaturity, callousness, and racism endure beyond the early stages of a relationship.
We should also note that poor personal hygiene dethroned narcissism from the top spot, suggesting that the difference between a lackluster and lively love life might hinge on the number of showers you take every week.
Here are the top 10 traits that turn off women in the long term:
1. Poor personal hygiene
2. Narcissism/lack of empathy
3. Lack of romantic love
You need to actively work to keep a relationship alive.
4. Immaturity/childishness
5. Racist or prejudiced ideologies
6. Boredom/lack of adventure
7. Lack of drive/ambition
8. Lack of intelligence
9. Lack of chemistry
10. Extreme views on religion
Denise Ngo is a freelance web writer and editor specializing in love, dating, and relationships. She is the Managing Editor of Loverish and a writer for PopSci.