Real Estate Executive Sparks Backlash With Sexist LinkedIn Post Instructing Wives On How To Keep Their Husbands Happy

Incel discourse has now made it to LinkedIn, apparently.

Woman gasping at a man's sexist LinkedIn post Pheelings Media / Getty Images / Canva Pro

For most of us, LinkedIn is a place for putting our best — and arguably least honest — foot forward when it comes to social media. It is where we look for jobs and where employers stalk us during the interview process, after all.

However, for one CEO — and a seemingly ever-growing number of other people — LinkedIn appears to have become just another Facebook, a place to post bizarre, offensive weirdness that most people avoid at the office altogether.


A man's sexist LinkedIn post has sparked tons of backlash for its wildly inappropriate content.

Something has happened to LinkedIn in recent years. It used to be as dull as your average office conference room — about as interesting as it ever got was the occasional braggadocious finance bro blowing smoke up his own you-know-what for clicks.

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But recently, and especially since 2020, LinkedIn has become full of the same weird rhetoric and trolling antics normally reserved for platforms like Facebook and X. In fact, there's a whole subreddit called LinkedInLunatics dedicated to cataloging this weirdness.

In short, the kind of stuff that used to never, ever be permitted in a business setting — and would land you in an extremely uncomfortable meeting with HR, if not a courtroom, were you to spout off about it in person — is now commonplace on LinkedIn.

Case in point: a real estate professional who recently posted some wildly sexist, and in some cases downright misogynistic, tips on how to have a happy marriage on — and I cannot stress this enough — A PLATFORM USED FOR BUSINESS NETWORKING.

The LinkedIn post offered misogynistic tips on how husbands and wives should keep each other happy, including in the bedroom.

"I found them interesting, and I would like your opinion about the above," Albanian real estate professional Eglent Bici wrote in his post, in which he shared 10 tips for husbands and 10 tips for wives on how to keep each other happy.


eglent bici's sexist linkedin post Eglent Bici / LinkedIn

The "ways to keep your husband happy" included things like "give him sex" and "obey him" — and that's just for starters.

Women are also to "never argue with him" and "always make him feel he's the superior." And if your husband insults you? "Kiss him" in response.

This is, of course, exactly the kind of rhetoric you'd expect to find on, say, Twitter or the incel-laden parts of the internet known as the manosphere, where increasingly violent misogyny has become the order of the day.

@yourtango The HR rep told this woman that she didn’t put enough effort into her appearance for the level of role she was interviewing for #worktok #corporate #jobinterview #makeup #prettyprivilege ♬ original sound - YourTango

But it gets even worse once you read Bici's 10 tips for husbands, all of which are things like "give her money… never get tired of giving her money… give her money even before she asks… just never get tired of giving her money." Ha ha! See, the abusive rhetoric is funny because women be shopping!

It's all so on-the-nose 1950s chauvinist it would be funny if we weren't in the midst of a wave of often violent misogyny, from far-right influencers to the "trad wife" trend we can't see to get away from.

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Bici got tons of blowback for his post on LinkedIn and all over the internet.

"Do you want your two beautiful daughters to obey their husbands, give them sex?" one woman on LinkedIn chided. "Should those men feel superior to your girls? What about if the husbands insult them or, even worse, hit them?"

A man on LinkedIn kept things a lot more straightforward: "You sound like the most divorced man in history," he wrote. "Somebody check his hard drive," commented another.

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The thing is, though, Bici isn't all that unique anymore. LinkedIn's user base grew 41% from 2021 to 2023, likely in part because of the shift to working from home.


Given that we have all been a bit … out of sorts, let's say, since 2020, that uptick in users seems to have brought with it a preponderance of weirdos.

From political scrums to arguments over vaccines to a litany of now infamous overshares (remember that guy who posted about his difficulties urinating?) LinkedIn has become every bit as unhinged as the rest of the internet — especially as other platforms that used to be the home of this type of content, namely Twitter, continue to decline.

Peter Rota's LinkedIn post about his struggles urinating Peter Rota / LinkedIn


Still, a LinkedIn post like Bici's is pretty uniquely… bizarre, problematic, misogynistic — the list goes on.

"When did my idiot uncle abandon Facebook for LinkedIn?" a Redditor in the LinkedInLunatics subReddit mused. "This is beyond Facebook. This is one of those forwarded emails from the early 2000s," another replied.

Here's hoping Bici and those like him learn to keep their darkly sophomoric misogyny on Twitter where it belongs. Because as much as we all love a good internet mess, posting about trouble peeing is one thing, but telling women to kiss their abusers is quite another. Make LinkedIn boring again. Please.

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John Sundholm is a news and entertainment writer who covers pop culture, social justice, and human interest topics.