Husband Hires Private Investigator To Follow His Wife To Find Out What She Does All Day When She Leaves The House

Since when did a trip to the store become so suspicious?

private investigator, husband, wife New Africa / Shutterstock

After a man grew suspicious of his wife’s shopping activity, he asked a private investigator to follow her around for the day.

Apparently, coming home from a shopping trip without any bags is a highly suspicious activity.

The man hired a private investigator to follow his wife around to see what she does all day when she leaves the house.

After the man became distrustful of his wife’s "shopping," he hired a private investigator, known as @yourfavoriteinvestigator on TikTok, to follow her around. According to the PI, the man claimed his wife repeatedly returned from lengthy shopping excursions without any bags in tow.


The investigator followed the woman as she left the house for her first stop, which was Target. She stayed in the store for about an hour and purchased a few items before heading back to her car.

@yourfavinvestigator Followed a wife this time. Husband said she stays out for hours shopping but never brings home bags. First stop was Target… and then she did her thing the rest of the day. Prob just needed self care! #surveillance #cheaters #privateinvestigator. #selfcare ♬ DO 4 LOVE - Snoh Aalegra

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The woman’s next stop was right across the street to grab a coffee at Starbucks. She was only inside for a total of three minutes before pulling away and parking her car in front of a Ross clothing store.

The woman shopped at Ross for a while before getting back to her car and heading home. The investigator reported that she was gone for a total of four hours and that if her husband was concerned about her being unfaithful, then he should put his worries to rest!

The only thing his wife was guilty of was prioritizing a self-care day, and many other women found her actions relatable.

“Target, Starbucks, and Ross are my side pieces, too,” one TikTok user commented.

Another user shared, “I can easily burn 6 hours at the mall, Target, and a coffee run while sitting in my car between each stop.”


She probably just needs a break from him [her husband] and some time to herself during the day!” another suggested.

Other women noted that a shopping trip does not always mean coming home with shopping bags. More often than not, we enjoy browsing Target, smelling candles, fawning over clothes, and getting inspiration for what we may want to buy in the future.

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We all need time to ourselves to engage in self-care and do the things that bring us peace and comfort.

For some, that consists of shopping, grabbing a coffee, and sitting in our parked car for hours at a time, just enjoying our own company and taking time to decompress from all of life’s stresses

Maybe walking through Target and Ross was a means of exercise for this wife. Maybe she was bored and needed an outlet. Maybe window shopping is her version of yoga. 

woman, car, coffee Photoroyalty / Shutterstock


Clinical psychologist Scott Bea, PsyD, explained to Cleveland Clinic that the simple act of browsing and not buying can make people happy, especially if they are dealing with anxiety or other life stressors. He said, “Whether you’re adding items to your shopping cart online or visiting your favorite boutique for a few hours, you do get a psychological and emotional boost. Even window shopping or online browsing can bring brain-fueled happiness."

He went on to say, “The smell of something new, the bright lights and colorful displays combine to create an imaginative, sensory experience that can remove us from our own reality, even for a little while.” Most importantly, however, he noted, “Shopping and its sensory stimulation gets us to visualize positive outcomes.” 

This woman's retail therapy was likely a coping mechanism.

Of course, we don't have all the details, but the fact that a husband would so erroneously assume that his wife was cheating or doing something untrustworthy with her daily excursions is a red flag that there are deeper issues within this relationship.

In turn, Dr. Bea's explanation that retail therapy could offer the person engaged an escape from their daily life fits right into the assumption that there are marital stressors. 


But with the limited information we have, it's all just a guess. One thing, however, is certain: This wife did nothing but take a breather. 

Perhaps instead of wasting time and money hiring a PI, her husband should consider spending some quality time with his wife — or better yet, spend that investigator money on couples therapy.

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.