3 Zodiac Signs Experience The Sweetest Luck In Love On April 9

During the Taurus Moon, we want no quarrel with anyone or anything.

3 Zodiac Signs Experience Luck Easily In Love On April 9, 2024 nevodka from Getty Images, Afid Andika, Dean Drobot | Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs are luckiest in love on April 9, 2024, which happens whenever the Moon is in Taurus, the sign where it expresses itself the best.

In fact, it's quite easy to feel good about one"s self during the Taurus Moon, and on April 9, that good feeling is what will spill over to everything else we do including how we treat our loved one in a romantic relationship.

During the Taurus Moon, we want no quarrel with anyone or anything. If there were such a thing as a 'pacifist' transit, it would be the Taurus Moon.


And while everyone gets to experience the calming effect of this transit, the heft of it goes to those three zodiac signs who happen to react well to and easily imbibe this kind of Taurus energy. What we will see happening on Tuesday is that we flow through the day rather than fight our way through it. If such a thing as an obstacle arises, our perception of it is easygoing; we see no threat, and we cause no threat.


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What we're all about on this day is love, sweet love and that DOES seem accessible to us. We are tired of thinking about bills and taxes; we want to kick back (very Taurus of us), relax and kid around with the person we love. This is a 'Netflix and chill' kind of day. We aren't here to be bothered by anyone; we just want the warmth and love of our romantic partner; that's good enough for us.

These three zodiac signs experience the sweetest luck on April 9, 2024:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

There is no doubt that when you devote yourself to a person, especially a romantic partner, you go all the way. Nobody can doubt the extent of your love or what you're willing to do for that love.


You've seen the good times and the bad, and there's nothing at present that could tear you away from the person you are with, right now. With the Taurus Moon at your back, it's all good in the hood, Taurus.

While you love the idea of going out and having a great time with the person you are in a relationship with, you are just as happy knowing that if you two are going to sit at home, slowly munching on fast food while binging some ridiculously goofy series on TV, then that sounds like bliss to you. During the Taurus Moon, bliss comes easily — and you recognize it for what it is.

This is all you need. You are not a needy, demanding person, so when the Taurus Moon comes around, your easygoing nature is even easier going than usual. In your world, you pick partners that go along with this kind of lifestyle. The person you are with right now is the right person at the right time, and on Tuesday, you'll notice that just about everything you do together feels like love.

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2. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

At this point in your life, you know exactly what you want and what you don't want, and fortunately, you're able to show the things you don't want the door. You are quick, exact and upfront, and what you are now left with is the solidity of your romance.

You need nothing else at this time. You have managed to balance all the necessities of your life, and with the help of the Taurus Moon, you can now relax and concentrate on what brings you the most joy: your romantic relationship.

Life is good and you know it and while you've seen exactly what upsets you, you've also come to know that you can just as easily say 'no' to it, as you will, when negativity comes knocking on your door. This day has you feeling both strong and gentle; you are resolved to be a loving, peaceful person, and you are strong in the fact that you won't let your feathers be ruffled over any old thing.


Your partner is not only a love interest but a true friend, and when you are with them, the world disappears. All is well in your world, and that's because you've come to see what works and what doesn't, and as it stands right now, you are only open to what works. Sure, there will be further lessons down the road, but you and your partner are a self-contained unit of joy and happiness.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

You may end up putting someone off on this day, as they may want to reach you to no avail. First of all, you would prefer to do your own thing, and if you're 'needed' for something that you really have no interest in, then you won't mind telling that person to connect with you at another time. Your main reason for putting them off is because you are here to spend time with your romantic partner. And this is something you will definitely NOT be giving up.


During the Taurus Moon on Tuesday, you and your partner will close the doors and lock yourself inside. This is your world and you want things done your way, and your partner happens to be completely down for that. Let the world bang and wail; you'll get to all that when the time is right, but the only thing that's really 'right' for you is to spend quality time with the person you love.

Time is the most precious thing we have, Aquarius, and you know it. This is why you don't sweat the small stuff, and the last thing you'll do is take commands from those who make them...at the wrong time.

Let them eat cake is your attitude, as you'll be busy eating your own delicious cake with a partner who happens to adore everything you present to them. This is a lucky day for love, Aquarius...take advantage of it.


RELATED: The Most Important Things To Know About An Aquarius In Love


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
