6 Zodiac Signs That Tend To Overeat

It's a compulsion.

Zodiac signs that tend to overeat getty

Thankfully, we've advanced ourselves to the point where now, we finally accept that bodies come in all shapes and sizes and that every single person on earth is worthy of not being put down for who they are. Fat shaming, skinny shaming — those are things of the past, hopefully, and good riddance to body shaming!

With all that said, some of us are still prone to overeating, stuffing our faces with whatever fits inside that pie-hole. Hey, that's where the yummy goes! But are certain zodiac signs more prone to overeating? If astrology is involved, personality traits may dictate the zodiac signs who overeat.


Some of us overeat because we simply love food. Remember Jack Black in School of Rock? A young woman asked him why he was so fat, and he said, without hesitation, "Because I love... food." Well, food has proven to be quite lovable, hasn't it? And we all tend to like the stuff. Yet, some of us like it more than we should, and we eat it more than we need.

We overeat to stuff our emotions back down, and we overeat to soften the feelings we harbor of rejection or insecurity. Quite simply, we overeat because food never tells us "no." And some of us are more prone to overeat than others.


1. SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

When you have a need for control at the level you're working on, Scorpio, you also tend to overeat, as eating is its own version of self-control.

You do not like people, nor do you like not getting your way, and you live in a world where both people and not getting your way seem to rule the roost. This sends you into a downward spiral of overeating and overindulgence. You eat, therefore you are.

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2. AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

When you eat, you do it as a rebellion. Someone in your life wants to see you thin, and because of that, you want them to suffer for their nervy request.


You eat to hurt others because you don't want their stupid opinions. Unfortunately, you end up hurting yourself in an attempt to hurt others, but on some level, it's all worth it. You get the great taste of food... and the ability to show someone up.

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3. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

You overeat because you can't decide what else to do. Food is always there, and never gives you a hard time, not like nasty people who never help or give you anything but heartache.

Food is your trusty friend, and you like spending plenty of time with that good ol' buddy. At least food doesn't talk back, right, Gemini?


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4. LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

You do tend to stuff the face when you're bored, which depresses you even further and makes you eat even more. You are an overeater of disproportionate measures, and you're not unfamiliar with binging and purging.

Dieting is not your thing, but vanity is, so you're always at odds with your choices. And what does being at odds do for you? It pushes you to overeat... again.

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5. VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

If the world could simply work according to your personal set of rules, then all would be well; however, nothing works according to your standards, and when the pressure gets too heavy, you turn to food for comfort. And not just any food — you turn to specifics.


You're a perfectionist and even food has to live up to your standards. Thankfully, all your choices are perfect.

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6. PISCES (February 19 - March 10)

You love to overeat and you do it with great joy. There is no vengeance eating, or stuffing of the emotions with you. Hey, how could there be? You are very free with your emotions, so there's no block there.


What you like is to eat, eat, eat until you pop, because you're there to please your tongue, and your tongue wants more, more, more.

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Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.
