Men Reveal Why They Said ‘No’ To Sex (Even Though They Liked You)

I know you can't believe it. He can't either.

Men Reveal Why They Said ‘No’ To Sex (Even Though They Liked You) getty

Men rarely turn down sex. There has to be a sudden shift that goes inside their mind and triggers them to not have sex with you.

So, if you're asking yourself "Why didn't he want to sleep with me?", keep in mind these three triggers that stop men in their tracks even though they like you. When these triggers go off, they can't have sex with you.

Here's how men reveal why they said ‘no’ to sex (even though they liked you)

1. He has a holy moment

Every once in a while, a man will have a "Come to Jesus" moment. This is when he suddenly realizes, "I can't have sex with her. It's not fair to her."


This usually happens when he's had a chance to be away from you for a few days. If he gets caught up in the moment, all bets are off. When he has time to think about it, he may well have a "Come to Jesus" moment.

This is good to know and why you want to take your time to get to know a guy.

2. He has another girl

Most women think men are dogs. However, if a man is truly smitten with another woman, he can't have sex with you no matter how much he likes you.

Men are one-focused. When another woman gets in their head, they can't even hear you. If he likes you, he'll talk to you but you'll see that he's distracted. When a man is smitten, it takes over his entire body and he can't be with you.


3. You turned him off

Sorry about this one, but it does happen. The main reason men don't have sex with you even though they like you is that you're not challenging enough. Men have to think they've won you over and that it was hard to do.

The harder and longer it takes to win you over, the better. They can only handle little victories at a time. Getting your phone number, having a first date, having a first kiss, etc. If they think they can have sex with you right away, they lose interest.

If he likes you, remember to hold back a little bit. Don't go all in. Keep your cards close to your chest so he doesn't know where he stands with you until he commits to you.

Anticipation always beats consummation. With that in mind, let him win you over long before sex is even on the table. If he truly likes you he'll wait.


James Allen Hanrahan is a highly sought-after dating and relationship coach for STRONG women based in Los Angeles. Get his FREE Chemistry to Commitment formula for lasting love.