Daily Horoscope For October 25, 2021

Always remember where you came from.

Daily Horoscope For October 25, 2021

Your daily horoscope for October 25, 2021, is here with an astrology forecast for all zodiac signs on Monday during the Moon in Gemini entering Cancer.

The Moon changes signs on Monday, but before that happens we start the day with big thoughts, plans, and ambitious dreams.

The Moon first speaks to growth-oriented Jupiter and then it harmonizes with determined Mars, but later on in the day the Moon is halted slightly when it slides into the sweet sign of Cancer.


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Cancer is about home and our roots, so there's a signal to all that no matter what projects or plans we are striving to make happen, it's important to listen to our mentors, to keep things close to our heart - like routines and family, and to always remember that no matter how much success comes in the end, it's good to remember how far you've come.

If your birthday is on October 25:

You are a Scorpio ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto whose symbol is the Scorpion glyph.

Famous celebrity Scorpio zodiac signs which include American singer/songwriter Katy Perry, Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, and American football coach Brian Kelly.


Zodiac signs Scorpio are most compatible with include Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpios.

Daily horoscope for October 25, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

´Focus on the important things, Aries. The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of home, and this presents challenges for you to grow from. 

You learn to be stronger during the next few days as you may sense the need to stick closer to what is familiar and secure, while also making important changes in your life, particularly centered around relationships.  

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Say little, but as they say, carry a big stick. The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of communication, and this is where you find your voice again. 


You may be speaking more than usual, but not necessarily to a crowd. Writing, journalling, thinking, and even praying are great exercises for you to lean on as you regain insight and clarity after so many events happening this month during the rx season.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

It's good to save, but what are you investing your money into the most? 

When the Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of money, investments, financial overviews, and looking at your overall income generating opportunities are in order. When you see that things can be cut back, why not? 


Especially if it helps you to get out of debt, break a few bad habits and make a little bit of change to add to a savings account (or crypto) later.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

People are forever changing, but at their core, there's so much that remains the same. 

The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of identity, and you have lots of things that need working on. 

Perhaps this can be like your pre-2022 resolution period. Clear the closet of old clothes. Put away the things of summer and give fall a formal hello by switching out the wardrobe.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

We all have things that seem to hide behind habits, old ways of thinking and even negative emotions we manage but need to heal instead. 

The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of hidden enemies, and this is your time to combat what holds you back in little and big ways. 

From your never ending to-do list to time-management improvements, don't stop trying to make the day better than it was yesterday.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

People who know how to hold your hand and embrace all your parts are the ones to hang out with more than ever. 


The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of friendships, and this is a healing energy for you. 

You can learn and grow with a friend who is honest and forthright giving you a listening ear and some wholesome advice when needed. 

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

It's time to revamp the resumes and to update cover letters. It's never a bad thing to just skim what's out there to see what the market has to offer. 

You might be surprised to compare your current role to job descriptions of titles closely related to what you're doing now. 

With the Moon entering the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of career, a change could happen for you. 


A job offer or an interview could go well, leading you into a workplace that is better than what you have now.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Give yourself permission to lounge a little with a good book or to watch a scary movie that gives you the chills. 

The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of higher learning, but that doesn't have to mean you sit in a formal classroom. 

You can let your imagination escape in a new world that's created by someone else. You can learn some new fact by reading or watching a high quality piece of fiction. 

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You need a little more affection and attention today. 

But when people say, others love you the best way that they can, it can feel like a glass of cold water to your face. 

So, it's hard to accept the lack of emotional availability of some people when the Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of shared resources. 

You need love in big and small ways, and it doesn't have to be time-intensive. Thank you. A smile, even a hug can do wonders for your psyche.


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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You feel the desire to make a decision, but things can feel put on hold for the one whom you're waiting to hear from. 

The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of commitment, and what you want to see is everyone being together as a unit. 

The day can feel slightly longer than usual should relationship problems extend into the evening, but there's hope for a turn around to come in and bring everyone back into sync soon.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your hard work, energy and effort applied well, can be positive for you today. So, enjoy focusing on the things that matter the most. 


The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of health, and this can mean a long walk or a stroll along the beach. Go for your favorite health meal or rejoin the gym if you feel that it's safe to go back to normal activity again.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Bring out the colors and crayons. If you love to play with adult coloring books, music or to paint, explore your inner child with playful activities. 

The Moon enters the zodiac sign of Cancer, your sector of creativity. So, don't let the day go by without doing one small thing that gives you a sense of peace. Listen to good music. Adore beautiful art. Read a little bit of poetry.


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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.


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