Who Is Capri Anderson? A Porn Star? Or A Hooker?

The story of how the 22-year-old ended up in Charlie Sheen's hotel closet.

Capri Anderson

Thanks to the road paved by Tiger Woods' mistresses, the world is nowCapri Anderson's oyster. The 22-year-old was reportedly minding her ownbusiness (or so she claims) and having a drink at New York's Plaza Hotel bar whenshe met TV actor Charlie Sheen for the first time on Monday. The twoevidently hit it off (and why wouldn't they when you're as busty andporn-star pretty as Capri is?), and Charlie ended up inviting her todinner with him, along with three other men and four women, includingSheen's ex, Denise Richards.


According to US Magazine, Capri "made a beeline" for Denise, who, havingno idea that the woman her ex-husband just picked up happened to be aporn star who's real name is Christina Walsh, happily posed for apicture with her.Charlie Sheen Enjoys Escorts, Throwing Hissy Fits?

But maybe Denise started to suspect that something was wrong, as thedinner took a turn for the awkward. Reportedly, the actress didn't evenbother to finish her appetizer before leaving. (Perhaps Capri was makingsome sexual gestures with her silverware? Just a guess.) According toRadarOnline, the dinner became progressively weirder and more sexual, with Charlie reportedlygetting wasted on drinks and cocaine (see the photos of him and Capriboozing it up here) and even propositioning Capri for sex in thechi-chi restaurant's bathroom.


Still, despite the craziness, Charlie and Capri ended up back in hishotel suite, and sometime in the middle of the evening's festivities,Charlie evidently realized that he lost some important (and possibly expensive)personal belongings, which he immediately accused Capri of stealing. Notone to simply yell, Charlie supposedly started throwing furniturearound, looking for the items, and causing around $7k in damage to thehotel suite in the process. Charlie Sheen Is Violent, Likes Threesomes

Having no doubt heard infamous stories about Charlie's past, Capri hid in the hotel closet and called the cops, thereby securing her place in the WomenResponsible For Causing Celebrity Scandals hall of fame.

According to TMZ, Capri is planning on pressing charges, as she claimsthat Charlie held her in the room against her will, and also, she"didn't steal the watch." There's also the question of money: Did Caprigo up to Charlie's room as his date? Or as a paid escort? Although shedenies being a hooker (she only takes money for sex when she's beingvideotaped, thank you very much), RadarOnline reports that Charlie neverpaid Capri the $12k he promised for a night of pleasuring him and thatCapri is angry over being short-changed! That's okay though, becauseamong Capri's so-called goals in life, she plans to "be rich!"

And as for Charlie? He's back in LA, filming a cameo appearance informer child star Hilary Duff's next movie, and thinks all of this talkof him, the hooker, and the hotel room is so "overblown." (And we're guessing he doesn'tmean that in a cool, cocaine kind of way.)


Expect to read more about Charlie's infamous night at the Plaza, as soon as Capri gets herself on Oprah or the Today Show. (Who knows? Maybe she'll even go the way of Loredana Jolie and hold out for a book deal.)

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