3 Zodiac Signs Create Their Own Luck In Love On May 3

We lose nothing by compromising.

Zodiac Signs Who Create Their Own Luck In Love On May 3, 2024 sparklestroke, Faalguni Mandal, sparklestroke global, Pr3t3nd3r from Getty Images | Canva Pro

We can call it luck, or we can call it the result of much-concentrated effort, but on Friday, May 3, we will strike a true and honest compromise with the person we love. For whatever reasons, we found ourselves taking sides. We had our side, which contained our beliefs, and they — our romantic partner — had their side, which they considered the 'hill they would die on.' Between the two firm stances, we have finally come to a compromise, and it creates luck in our relationship.


Three zodiac signs surprise themselves when we realize compromise isn't a bad deal. We still hold on to our beliefs, but we are so respectful and loving of our partners that we also make space in our hearts for their opinions to thrive. We lose nothing by compromising, and this brings great joy.


Because Mars is aligned with Pluto, we'll have to step up and act. This is seriously one of those 'action' transits. Because we apply this action to love and romance, we find that the best road to take is the one that opens our hearts and minds to the person we love. If we love them, they can't be that bad, right? We reach a pleasant compromise when we see relationships as a two-way street and make luck happen.

Three zodiac signs create their own luck in love on May 3

1. Leo

Zodiac Signs Who Create Their Own Luck In Love On May 3, 2024 Silver V from Getty Images | Canva Pro

You, being someone who isn't all that into compromise, may find that you'll need to bend just a teeny bit this coming Friday, as there's a Mars in alignment with Pluto in town. You might 'not' be right about something related to your love relationship. You don't want to be wrong, but you may want to put that ego aside for now, as this is when it's best to listen rather than speak.


You have this wonderful romance. Your partner is everything you could ever want in a person and more. You treasure their very existence, but you are also a bit bossy when it comes to 'what the two of you will be doing on so and so day of the week.' It's starting to become a little oppressive to your partner. They're usually fine with handing you the reins, but you notice that this isn't their ideal lifestyle.

Your partner is more into the share and share alike kind of thinking, and for the first time, you'll see what they mean. This Mars/Pluto transit has you stand back to consider what your partner wants. You've always thought they wanted what you want, but you discover how reaching a compromise is the better path. You'll like it, Leo!

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2. Libra

Zodiac Signs Who Create Their Own Luck In Love On May 3, 2024 Silver V from Getty Images | Canva Pro


You may hear how your friends think you're lucky when it comes to love, but you know in your heart that luck has nothing to do with it. What you have is the ability to know when you're wrong and to own it. There's more to that equation. You also know when to change your behavior to make your romantic partner happy, and you impart this to your friends when speaking about the health of your romantic relationship.

May 3 brings you a Mars/Pluto transit you can sink your teeth into. You'll take in all you can get during this time as you see the opportunity to 'get it right.' This is an 'action' transit, and for you, a person who seriously likes to get things done and over with, you will apply yourself to let your partner know that if they've got something on their minds ... you're all ears.

Listening, in your case, is a real art. It's an appreciated art, as well, because once your partner sees how you aren't trying to hustle them out of the spotlight to stand in it, suddenly, the doors to compromise open wide. Wow, the potential for greatness is abundant. There was never a need for conflict, but hindsight is 20-20, as they say. Keep on keeping on, Libra.

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3. Capricorn

Zodiac Signs Who Create Their Own Luck In Love On May 3, 2024 Silver V from Getty Images | Canva Pro

What happens on Friday stays happening. That means that the good you do on May 3 will reverberate throughout the rest of your life, or at least within the context of your love relationship. There's something good going on here, and with this Mars/Pluto transit acting as 'backup,' you're going to find that it was a good idea to compromise on that one topic with your partner.

You've been pretty stoic, as you can be, Capricorn. Your inability to change started to bug your partner. While they rarely complain, listening to them with your heart shows that what's going on isn't so much a complaint as you need to compromise. What good does pride do you here? Not much, especially if you stand to lose the person you love over it. It's not worth it!


So, you'll make the most of this Mars/Pluto alignment and put yourself to work on seeing 'both sides of the coin.' Compromising with your loved one is the best move you can make, and thankfully, you got on board with that idea before it became too late. Enjoy the fact that you can stretch and bend. It will do you a world of good. Compromise is a show of love, and you can be happy that you have this generous spirit.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
